Top 10 neck and shoulder exercises with pictures

The best 10 stretches to alleviate shoulder pain and tightness Many people suffer from frequent pain in the neck and shoulder area, and the cause of this pain is attributed to weak muscles in addition to doing strenuous and exhausting work on the body or adopting incorrect sitting or sleeping positions. Therefore, through our article today, we will present some important and gentle exercises to strengthen the neck and shoulder muscles, which help effectively and quickly relieve pain. Here are the best 10 neck and shoulder exercises with pictures.

Top 10 neck and shoulder exercises
Top 10 neck and shoulder exercises

Causes of shoulder and neck pain

Neck and shoulder pain is often caused by soft tissue injury, including muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This term distinguishes it from the solid tissues of bones and cartilage.
Soft tissue injuries can cause various types of pain, including headaches and muscle spasms.

What exercises relieve neck and shoulder pain?

physical therapy exercises for neck and shoulder pain - What type of exercise is best for neck and shoulder pain?
  1. Exercise Neck Rotation.
  2. Exercise lateral inclination of the neck.
  3. Exercise tilting the head forward and backward.
  4. Exercise for shoulder rotation.
  5. Exercise Arm Rotation.
  6. Exercise: Cat Pose.
  7. Superman Exercise.
  8. Exercise stretch and neck release.
  9. Exercise Pulling.
  10. Exercise rotation or chair rotation.

Top 10 neck and shoulder exercises

10- Exercise rotation or chair rotation
Exercise rotation or chair rotation

The chair rotation exercise is one of the easy exercises that yields effective results in relieving back, shoulder, and neck pain while strengthening and loosening tight muscles.

Exercise method:
  • Sit on the chair sideways, with your right side leaning against the back of the chair.
  • Secure your feet well and keep them bent straight.
  • Rotate the upper part of your body towards the right until you reach the end of the chair back.
  • Keep the muscles relaxed.
  • Rotate for 10 seconds before reversing direction and repeating the movement.

9- Exercise Pulling
Exercise Pulling
Exercise Pulling

The pulling exercise is one of the important exercises for effectively strengthening the shoulder and upper back muscles. It is also considered an effective resistance exercise for stabilizing the shoulder area.

Exercise method:
  • Perform the exercise in a seated or standing position, placing the resistance band above.
  • Pull the band downwards until the upper part of your arms becomes parallel to the ground.
  • When reaching the bottom, hold the position for a few seconds, then repeat the exercise.
  • Repeat 10-15 times in one set.

8- Exercise stretch and neck release
Exercise stretch and neck release
Exercise stretch and neck release

exercises to strengthen neck and shoulder muscles Stretching or releasing the neck is one of the most famous and best exercises for the neck and upper back area.

Exercise method:
  • Stand or sit straight.
  • Position your right hand on the back of your head.

  • Put your left hand on the back of your neck.

  • Then use your right hand to gently pull your head towards the right shoulder.

  • Continue doing so for about 10-15 seconds.
  • Then repeat.

7- Superman Exercise
Superman Exercise
Superman Exercise

The Superman exercise is a very famous exercise that targets multiple muscles in the body, including the back and shoulders. It is also essential for neck comfort and relieving its pain, as well as soothing spasms.

Exercise method:
  • Lie on your stomach with arms extended in front and legs stretched out well.
  • Maintain neck position while simultaneously lifting both arms and legs slightly upwards.
  • You can also stand for a few seconds when raising your arms and legs, then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

6- Exercise: Cat Pose
Exercise: Cat Pose
Exercise: Cat Pose

Cat pose is one of the important exercises to practice if you suffer from frequent pain or muscle tension in these areas (upper shoulders, entire back, neck).
It is easy, simple, and enjoyable to practice.

Exercise method:
  • Start by resting your hands and knees on the ground, just like the cat pose.
  • Take a deep breath, then bend your hips and draw them upwards while keeping your mid-back arched. 
  • This means pulling this area towards the spine while dropping your head downwards to completely relax the neck.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Exhale now and return to a straight spinal position.
  • Then lift your neck upwards towards the ceiling while holding for 5 seconds to relax the neck.

5- Exercise Arm Rotation
Exercise Arm Rotation
Exercise Arm Rotation

Arm rotation exercise is one of the best exercises for the shoulder area.
It helps alleviate pain, strengthen muscles, and reduce the chances of any muscle spasms in this area.
Additionally, this exercise plays an effective role in relieving upper back and neck pain.

Exercise method:
  • Stand straight with arms at your sides.
  • Then, extend the arms parallel to the ground.
  • Rotate the arms slowly forward about 20 times.
  • Then, reverse the motion by rotating them backward for another 2 times.

4- Exercise for shoulder rotation
Exercise for shoulder rotation
Exercise for shoulder rotation

Shoulder rotation is important for the shoulder and upper back muscles. It helps strengthen the muscles and improve shoulder and neck performance.
With significant pain relief and consistency, it helps release the tight muscles in this area.

Exercise method:
  • Stand straight or sit with arms down on the sides.
  • Rotate the shoulders backward in a circular motion.
  • Perform 5 rotations backward and then 5 rotations forward.
  • Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

3- Exercise tilting the head forward and backward
Exercise tilting the head forward and backward
Exercise tilting the head forward and backward

Exercising tilting the head forward and backward is an easy, simple, and effective exercise.

Exercise method:
  • Take a comfortable position, either sitting or standing.
  • Then tilt the head forward and hold the position for 15 seconds.
  • Return back to the upright position.
  • Then tilt the head backward and hold the position for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat.

2- Exercise lateral inclination of the neck
Exercise lateral inclination of the neck
Exercise lateral inclination of the neck

Lateral inclination exercise of the neck is one of the effective exercises to relieve the neck from any pain or accompanying stiffness.

Exercise Method:
  • Stand straight with arms at your sides.
  • Then tilt your head to the right, trying to touch your right ear to your left shoulder.
  • Reverse the motion after holding the position for 10 seconds or less, and return to the right shoulder.
  • Repeat approximately 10 times.

1- Exercise Neck Rotation
Exercise Neck Rotation
neck and shoulder exercise

neck pain exercises Neck rotation exercise is very easy and simple, in addition to its guaranteed results in relieving neck and shoulder pain.

Exercise Method:
  • Stand or sit straight with your neck tilted to the right, exposing the neck to some stretching.
  • Then, after a second, slowly rotate your head counterclockwise.
  • Pause briefly when the neck reaches the left shoulder.
  • Then complete the rotation or neck rotation from where you started.
  • Repeat these steps in a clockwise direction.
  • This exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

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