Top 10 exercises to increase thigh circumference at home

How can I increase my hips and thighs? Many women believe that increasing the size of their thighs can be achieved by consuming certain high-fat foods, but this is a mistaken belief. In reality, increasing the size and mass of the thighs can only be accomplished through building muscle in this area, which is achieved through specific exercises. Many women are looking for a way to attain an hourglass figure, which consists of a slim waist, flat stomach, and well-developed hips and buttocks. If you are already seeking an ideal method to quickly increase the size of your thighs, discover with us the top 10 essential exercises for thigh enlargement with pictures in our article.

Top 10 exercises to increase thigh circumference at home
Top 10 exercises to increase thigh circumference at home

How can I increase the weight of my thighs?

Tips to help increase thigh size:
  • Consume foods rich in protein, as protein is crucial for building muscle mass.
  • Steer clear of foods that are rich in detrimental fats and sugars.
  • Include foods with healthy fats, such as nuts and certain fruits, in your diet.
  • Wear clothing that complements the appearance of your thighs, like dresses and skirts with ruffles starting from the waist area.
  • Spend time sitting with pressure on the buttocks and thighs.
  • Engage in regular exercise (daily for light exercises and 4 days a week for weight-bearing exercises).
  • Get enough sleep to provide energy and capacity for the body.
  • Avoid taking any medications intended to increase thigh size.

Which exercises increase your thighs?

If you want to learn thigh and calf bulking exercises, follow along in this article, where we'll discover the top 10 exercises for thigh enlargement with pictures:
  1. Squats Exercise.
  2. Lunges Exercise.
  3. Leg Press Exercise.
  4. Single Leg Raise Exercise.
  5. Bridge Exercise.
  6. Side-Lying Leg Lift Exercise.
  7. Side Leg Raise Exercise.
  8. Side Lunge Exercise with Weight.
  9. Squat with Kick Exercise.
  10. Donkey Kick Exercise.

10 Best exercises to increase thigh circumference

10- Donkey Kick Exercise
Donkey Kick Exercise
Donkey Kick Exercise

The donkey kicks exercise to increase the size of thighs with no weights is highly effective for bulking up the thighs by reducing hip fat and building strong muscle mass, resulting in an attractive and toned appearance.
Additionally, it is considered one of the most impactful exercises for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

Exercise Instructions:
  1. Begin by positioning yourself on the ground on your hands and knees (the donkey position).
  2. Straighten one leg and push it backward while keeping it slightly raised.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position and switch to the other leg.

9- Squat with Kick Exercise
Squat with Kick Exercise
Squat with Kick Exercise

The squat with kick exercise exercises to increase thigh weight is an important workout for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. It is considered one of the exercises featured in our article in all its variations.
The kick helps strengthen the core muscles, contributes to body balance, and provides better toning for the sagging areas in the buttocks and hips.

Exercise Instructions:
  1. Begin by standing upright with a slight separation between your feet.
  2. Lower your body backward without letting your knees go beyond your toes.
  3. Then, return to the starting position with a kick of the right foot and the arms in a boxing-like posture.
  4. Next, lower your body again into the squat position and switch to the left leg.

8- Side Lunge Exercise with Weight
Side Lunge Exercise with Weight
Side Lunge Exercise with Weight

Lunge exercises, in general, are a type of workout that effectively and quickly contributes to building muscle mass, especially when using weights.
Therefore, the side lunge exercise with proper body weight is one of the important exercises that help bulk up the thighs, tone hip sagging, and build muscles in this area.

Exercise Instructions:
  1. Stand upright while holding an appropriate weight between your arms.
  2. Begin by lunging the right leg to the side outside the body's range.
  3. Push the hips while keeping your back straight and well extended.
  4. Then lower the weight parallel to the right leg.
  5. Return to the original position while quickly moving the left leg as the right leg lunges.
  6. Switch and repeat.

7- Side Leg Raise Exercise
Side Leg Raise Exercise
Side Leg Raise Exercise

The side leg raise exercise is one of the effective workouts for lifting and bulking up the hips, and it has an enjoyable aspect when practicing.
This exercise is considered easy and simple, and it can be done at home daily.

Exercise Instructions:
  • Lie down on the right side of the ground.
  • Extend your legs so that the right leg is at the bottom, and the left leg is on top.
  • Lift the left leg upward while ensuring it remains perfectly straight.
  • Hold this position briefly and then return slowly to the initial position, repeating the motion.
  • You can do this 10 times and then switch to the right leg.

6- Side-Lying Leg Lift Exercise
Side-Lying Leg Lift Exercise
Side-Lying Leg Lift Exercise

The side-lying leg lift exercise is a workout that helps increase the size of the thighs while toning the sagging in the buttocks, which can be bothersome and worrisome.
It is also one of the very easy and simple exercises.

Exercise Instructions:
  • Assume a prone position with your left side against the ground.
  • Bend your knees together, so that the hip angle is at 45 degrees and the knees are at 90 degrees.
  • Then, try to lift the knee as high as possible while keeping the feet together.
  • Slowly return to the starting position with each repetition.

5- Bridge Exercise
Bridge Exercise
Bridge Exercise

The bridge exercise offers tremendous benefits for the lower part of the body. This exercise helps tighten and strengthen the thigh and buttock muscles, making it effective for toning the thighs.
It reduces leg pain and aids in preventing muscle strains. It's an excellent exercise for achieving shapely thighs with a flat abdomen.

Exercise Instructions:
  • Lie on your back with your legs straight, bend your knees, and place your arms at your sides.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles and press your thighs while lifting your midsection upward, keeping your feet on the ground.
  • Also, try to engage your buttock muscles.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

4- Single Leg Raise Exercise
Single Leg Raise Exercise
Single Leg Raise Exercise

The single-leg raise or one-legged lift exercise helps in bulking up the thighs while toning the buttocks and lower back. It also aids in relieving back pain and tightening the waist and abdomen area.
This exercise is effective for increasing the size of the thighs and achieving a fantastic muscular appearance.

Exercise Instructions:
  • Lie down straight on the ground with your arms at your sides.
  • Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle.
  • Extend one leg only slightly off the ground.
  • Return the leg to its original position while extending the other leg in the same way and for the same duration.
  • Repeat the exercise.

3- Leg Press Exercise
Leg Press Exercise
Leg Press Exercise

The leg press exercise is one of the essential exercises for bulking up the thighs, but it can only be performed using a fitness machine.
This exercise helps in thigh enlargement and easily increases the muscle mass in the buttocks. It significantly strengthens the leg muscles as well.

Exercise Instructions:
  • Sit properly on the machine and place your feet straight.
  • Attempt to push upwards with your feet while maintaining the position of your back, and head, and pushing slowly.
  • Stay in this position for a moment, then slowly return to the original position.

2- Lunge Exercise
Lunge Exercise
Lunge Exercise

The lunges exercise is one of the top 10 exercises for thigh bulking that helps to increase the size of the thighs correctly and effectively.
It is also one of the easiest and simplest exercises to target the thigh and lower muscles.
Its benefits are significant for the body, as it is a resistance exercise that contributes to balance and stability in the body, in addition to supporting vitality and activity.
It also promotes spinal health and enhances the health of the legs and buttocks while aiding in bulking.

Exercise Instructions:
  1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slightly engage your abdominal muscles.
  3. Take a step forward with your right leg only.
  4. Lower your knee downward until the left leg's knee forms a 90-degree angle.
  5. Finally, push using the right leg to return the body backward to the starting position, repeating the movement.

1- Squats Exercise
Squats Exercise
Squats Exercise

The squats exercise is among the top 10 exercises for thigh bulking and toning sagging areas. This exercise efficiently helps increase muscle mass in the buttocks while bulking up the thighs correctly and very attractively.
Squats, also known as squats, are important exercises to be performed daily, even without weights, to improve tone sagging in the body and promote better leg health.
However, individuals experiencing knee pain or problems are advised to consult a specialized doctor before performing this exercise.
Continuing to perform squats for a month will yield fantastic results in improving the body's appearance, particularly in the thigh and buttock areas.

Exercise Instructions:
  • The exercise can be done with or without weights, but for quicker results, it's recommended to use weights between the hands.
  • Start by standing upright with your feet slightly apart and holding the weight between your hands.
  • Lower your buttocks backward, making sure your knees do not go beyond your toes.
  • Then, push your body upward while engaging your thigh muscles.

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