10 Best exercises for herniated discs with pictures

The cartilage is a bag that works as a cushion between the vertebrae of the 33 vertebrae spine; if they move from their places, it results in pressure and irritation of the nerves in the affected area, known as the occurrence of a herniated disc. It can be treated or its symptoms reduced by exercising. Here are the best 10 exercises for herniated discs with pictures, so keep reading.

10 Best exercises for herniated discs with pictures
10 Best exercises for herniated discs with pictures

How to heal a herniated disc with exercise

exercises for herniated discs Many encourage disc herniation patients to engage in therapeutic exercises for this condition, but you should know that disc herniation varies in terms of severity and symptoms from person to person. Here are some important tips that should be followed if you want to exercise to treat what is known as disc herniation:

Tips when exercising to treat cartilage slip

  • Never engage in any exercises that increase pressure on the spine.
  • Practice the best 10 exercises for disc herniation as illustrated in the following pictures.
  • If you suffer from patellofemoral pain syndrome, you should not engage in exercises that target the knee tendons.
  • It is better not to engage in strenuous or simple activities during the recovery period from the injury.
  • You should consult a specialist doctor before engaging in any exercises to discuss your condition, so as not to cause further injuries while exercising.
  • Completely avoid engaging in strenuous exercises such as wrestling, judo, and other self-defense sports.
  • Exercises for disc herniation with pictures.

10 Best exercises for herniated disc

10 exercises for a herniated disc - Can you treat a herniated disc with exercise?
  1. Exercise neck rotation.
  2. The exercise of the lumbar spine.
  3. Shoulder retraction exercise.
  4. The exercise of cat stretch.
  5. Gluteal Muscle Stretch Exercise.
  6. Exercise knee bending for the chest.
  7. Back extension exercise.
  8. Exercise Leg pulls with a towel.
  9. Exercise the stretch using the chair.
  10. The neck exercise.
physical therapy exercises for herniated disc:

10- The neck exercise
The neck exercise
The neck exercise

This is called neck exercise for great effectiveness in treating neck pain resulting from disc herniation. In addition, it is easy to practice at work or at home; and practiced by following the following steps:
  • You should sit on a chair in an upright position, move your chin towards your chest, then return your head to rest, while tightening the neck.
  • Move your left ear towards the left shoulder, and then the right ear towards the right shoulder.
  • It is preferable to practice this exercise for a minimum of ten minutes every morning.

9- Exercise the stretch using the chair
Exercise the stretch using the chair
Exercise the stretch using the chair

The stretch exercise is one of the top 10 exercises for disc herniation with pictures, as recommended by physiotherapists.
It completely eliminates back pain and plays a major role in treating disc herniation injury. 

It is performed by following the simple steps:
  • Bring a chair to sit on and bend one of your legs while straightening the other.
  • You should bend your back forward towards the extended leg, where there is an extension along the upper part of your thigh.
  • You should hold that position for a quarter to half a minute.
  • Repeat those steps with the other leg.

8- Exercise Leg pull with a towel
Exercise Leg pull with a towel
Exercise Leg pull with a towel

physical therapy exercises for herniated discs A very important exercise to treat disc herniation and not only that, it is important for the leg, thigh, and back muscles, but most herniated patients do not care to do it out of ignorance of its benefit.

steps to do it are simple and can be summarized as follows:
  • You should lie on the ground and lift one of your legs.
  • On the raised foot, you should wrap a towel around it.
  • Hold the towel well, then gently pull your leg towards your body.
  • You should maintain that position for 15 to 30 seconds.
  • You should repeat those steps with the other foot.

7- Back extension exercise
Back extension exercise
Back extension exercise

Is it okay to exercise with a herniated disc? One of the most important exercises for treating disc herniation, but you must first consult a specialist doctor before practicing it to discuss your condition, as its results vary depending on the level of your back's disc herniation injury.

practice it by following the following steps:
  • You should lie on the ground hold both of your knees and bring them towards your chest.
  • At the same time, move your head forward.
  • In order to see good results from this exercise, you should practice it daily for five minutes in the early morning.

6- Exercise knee bending for the chest
Exercise knee bending for the chest
Exercise knee bending for the chest

We explain to you one of the most important exercises for treating disc herniation, which is the knee bending exercise for the chest. Its importance lies in strengthening the thigh and back muscles.
This is one of the best Swedish fat-burning exercises, and practicing it is not difficult. 

You just need to follow the following steps:
  • First, lie on the ground and bend your knees.
  • Place your hands behind one knee, then pull it towards your chest.
  • Repeat the same steps with the other foot.
  • By doing so, you have treated the disc herniation injury, and you are burning excess fat, which reduces your weight and alleviates the pain in your back and legs from carrying your body.

5- Gluteal Muscle Stretch Exercise
Gluteal Muscle Stretch Exercise
Gluteal Muscle Stretch Exercise

It was necessary to mention the gluteal muscle stretch exercise as one of the best exercises for treating disc herniation.
The gluteal muscle is a muscle connected to the lower limb muscles of the human body, located in the anterior part of the sacral vertebrae in the pelvic area. It has several benefits and functions, and here we summarize the importance of the gluteal muscle:
  • The gluteal muscle is responsible for the first and second sacral nerves.
  • It is responsible for the rotation of the thigh bone or hip joint.
  • Thus, it can be inferred that it plays a significant role in treating disc herniation and helps reduce pain resulting from the injury.

As for how to perform this exercise, you can easily do it by following these steps:
  • Lie on the ground and then bend both heels and knees, placing them on the ground.
  • Place one leg over the other.
  • Gently pull your crossed knee towards your chest to stretch the buttocks.
  • Follow the identical procedure with your opposite leg.

4- The exercise of cat stretch
The exercise of cat stretch
The exercise of cat stretch

This exercise is called the cow or cat stretch exercise and has a major role in relieving the pressure on the intervertebral disc in addition to improving the movement of the spine.
This is achieved by executing the subsequent actions:
  • Lower your knees and hands to the ground so that your body is in the shape of a tabletop and your back is flat.
  • Inhale deeply and lower your stomach towards the ground while looking upwards.
  • Then exhale slowly while arching the spine to resemble an angry cat and allow your head to relax and hang low.

3- Shoulder retraction exercise
Shoulder retraction exercise
Shoulder retraction exercise

Good exercise for treating disc herniation, and the exercise is to retract the shoulder by following the following steps:
  • Stand back to the wall, allowing your arms to hang naturally at your sides.
  • You should bend your elbows, so that your arms form a right angle at the elbow, and it is necessary that the upper part of them remains on the wall.
  • Then move your shoulders downward and backward, and push the back of your upper arms against the wall so that both shoulder blades are pressed together.
  • Continue in this position for 15-30 seconds.

2- The exercise of the lumbar spine
The exercise of the lumbar spine
The exercise of the lumbar spine

This is a necessary exercise to strengthen the back muscles, and is done through the following steps:
  • Recline on your back and flex your knees while ensuring your feet remain firmly on the ground.
  • Place your hands behind one knee and gently pull it towards your chest to feel the stretch.
  • Hold the stretch for ten seconds, then switch and repeat the exercise several times.

1- Exercise neck rotation
Exercise neck rotation
Exercise neck rotation

physical therapy exercises for herniated disc It is considered the most important exercise in the top 10 exercises for disc herniation as it enhances blood circulation, thereby reducing disc herniation pain. It is practiced as follows:
  • Turn your head to one side gently without moving away from the shoulder.
  • After 30 seconds, turn it to the other side and continue the same way again.

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