Top 10 Best exercises for buttocks enlargement

How do I enlarge the feminine areas in my body? Some women want to enlarge their buttocks and make them rounder to look better, and one of the best ways to enlarge that area is to increase the muscle strength in it, especially the gluteal muscles, which are the main muscles that give it strength and the appropriate round shape. Those muscles are considered one of the strongest muscles in the body, so if you want rounder and bigger buttocks, you should practice the top 10 exercises for buttocks enlargement.

10 best exercises to enlarge the buttocks
10 best exercises to enlarge the buttocks

Get to know tips for enlarging the buttocks

Tips for enlarging the buttocks Here are some simple tips we offer you if you want to enlarge your buttocks quickly:
  • Perform squats or deep squats primarily, as they double the size of those muscles when returning to a standing position with continuity.
  • Pay attention to the position of the upper part of your body, where the trunk should lean forward at a 45-degree angle during the exercise. This increases the difficulty and impact of the exercise.
  • Focus on single-leg movements. Compared to exercises involving both legs, single-leg exercises work to increase the size of the buttocks by an additional 33%.
  • Pay attention to practicing the top 10 exercises for enlarging the buttocks.

What food helps to enlarge the buttocks?

What can I use to enlarge my buttocks? In addition to the above, you should pay attention to consuming foods that help enlarge the buttocks, which we will explain some of in the following sentences:
  1. Salmon; studies have shown that consuming salmon rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps enlarge the buttocks and muscle size in general.
  2. Flaxseeds; because flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, and magnesium, which contribute to enlarging body muscles.
  3. Eggs; eggs contain important nutrients such as phosphorus, vitamin B12, and protein, which work to enlarge the size of the buttock muscles.
  4. Legumes such as lentils, peas, and beans are healthy foods that contain nutrients such as magnesium and protein, which explains their role in enlarging the buttocks.
  5. Avocado; this fruit contains antioxidants, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, dietary fiber, healthy fats, and protein.
  6. Milk; experts always recommend consuming it after exercising because it contains the necessary protein for building muscles like the buttocks muscles and others.

10 Best exercises for buttocks enlargement

10- Squat Exercise
Squat Exercise
Squat Exercise

buttocks and hips enlargement exercise We cannot talk about exercises to enlarge the buttocks without mentioning the squat exercise, which is applied by following the following steps:
  • Hold weights in each hand and extend your arms forward.
  • Stand with your legs apart, keeping some distance between them, and push your buttocks slightly back.
  • Bend both knees while keeping your body as straight as possible and look forward.
  • Make sure to keep your thighs parallel to the ground.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds to strengthen the buttock muscles.
It is recommended to repeat this exercise three times, with 15 repetitions each time, and to rest for 15 seconds between each set. Do this exercise two or three times a week to get bigger and stronger buttock muscles?

9- Bridge Exercise
Bridge Exercise
Bridge Exercise

You might think that this exercise is not easy, but it is one of the top 10 exercises for buttocks enlargement, and it is performed as follows:
  • Lie on your back and bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the ground, and place your arms by your sides.
  • Lift your hips off the ground by pressing through your hips, not your heels, and push as much as you can.
  • Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to knees, with maximum pressure on your glutes.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then calmly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise twice, performing 10 repetitions each time, with a 15-second rest between each set.

8- Lying on the side
Lying on the side
Lying on the side

One of the most efficient exercises for buttock enlargement, and it is done as follows:
  • Lie on the ground on the left side, and bend the knees and hips at a 45-degree angle.
  • Keep both the right and left feet together.
  • Lift the knee as much as you can, making sure not to move the pelvis.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this movement ten times.
  • To improve and strengthen the buttock muscles, you should practice this exercise three times a week, and we recommend also lying on the other side.

7- Arabesque Jump Exercise
Arabesque Jump Exercise
Arabesque Jump Exercise

One of the most important and best 10 exercises for enlarging the buttocks, it is practiced as follows:
  • Open your arms to shoulder height.
  • Then extend one foot backward using a light jump with your foot on the ground.
  • Bring the foot back up, keeping it in a neutral position on the ground.
  • It is necessary to perform the movement for half a minute and then switch sides.
  • If you feel a burn in the base of your buttocks, you are doing it correctly.

6- Exercise Front Kick
Exercise Front Kick
Exercise Front Kick

Stand like a boxer, with your hands protecting your face.
Lift your foot and kick forward.
Repeat the same with the opposite foot.
Alternate between them until you feel your breath accelerating and your feet burning.
To increase the efficiency of the exercise, you can perform it with a squat. Start with a squat, then when climbing up, lift your foot with a kick, then return to the squat and kick backward.

5- The one-legged squat
The one-legged squat
The one-legged squat

This is considered one of the top 10 exercises for buttocks enlargement, and it is done as follows:
  • Keep one leg fixed on the ground.
  • Lift the other leg by tilting the torso forward.
  • Bend the lifted leg and anchor it to the ground, making sure that the knee is above your toes.
  • Hold this position for half a minute, then switch to the other side.
  • To increase the efficiency of the exercise, keep the lifted leg in the air and stand near a wall to support yourself if you lose energy for moments.

4- Side Kick Movement
Side Kick Movement
Side Kick Movement

One of the best exercises for working the glutes is the sidekick movement, in which you do the following:
  • Stabilize one leg on the ground.
  • Lift the other leg to raise the hip, with the leg and thigh at a right angle.
  • Then, open the leg to the side and return it to the ground position.
  • It is recommended to repeat the exercise 8 times for each foot.

3- Crane Movement
Crane Movement
Crane Movement

The crane or side jump is one of the top 10 best exercises for buttocks enlargement, and you should do the following:
  • Spread your legs and arms in the air at shoulder level.
  • Jump by bringing your arms along the body, joining the legs, and then returning to the starting position.
  • To put extra pressure on the buttocks muscles, you need to bend your legs to increase the range of motion and do this for half a minute.

2- Swimming Exercise
Swimming Exercise
Swimming Exercise

This exercise resembles the swimming position, where you lie on your stomach with your arms extended and raised above your head while keeping your thighs on the ground.
Raise your right arm with your left leg simultaneously, then reverse the arm and leg and switch like swimming in water.
Continue doing this until you feel tired in your muscles and try to increase the repetitions each time.

1- Running and stair climbing exercise
Running and stair climbing exercise
Running and stair-climbing exercise

The running and stair climbing exercise is considered the best among the top 10 exercises for buttocks enlargement. It is one of the cardiovascular exercises that work on strengthening the buttock muscles, and it is also necessary if you want to get rid of excess fat. In addition to improving shape and strengthening muscles, we recommend climbing up and down the stairs because studies have proven its benefits for heart health, and it is even more effective than running.

To practice this exercise, you first need to find a running track, and then you should do the following:
  1. Warm-up: Run for 3-5 minutes around the track with both arms bent while running.
  2. Climb the stairs for 20 seconds at a fast pace and safely.
  3. Descend the stairs at half the speed of climbing.
  4. Climb the stairs again for 20 seconds, and then gently descend for 10 seconds.
  5. Repeat this exercise to the best of your ability.

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