Top 10 best dribblers in the history of football all-time

Top 10 best dribblers in the history of football all-time
Top 10 best dribblers in the history of football all-time

best dribblers in the history of football all-time

Who is the best dribbler in football history? Throughout the long history of football, fans have always enjoyed watching a large number of players who have distinguished themselves with their magical dribbling and cunning tricks to surpass defenders, which are invaluable to their clubs or national teams because they can change the course of entire matches and tournaments. This list would be unfair not to mention the names of other deserving stars who definitely deserve a place among these ten.

the best dribbler in football history These legends have left a unique memory in the minds of fans that time could not erase. And because we, at Top 10, are accustomed to choosing the best, here are the top 10 dribblers in the history of football from our humble perspective.

Who is the best dribbler in football history?

10 Greatest Dribblers in World Football History:
  1. Ronaldo Lima.
  2. Diego Maradona.
  3. Lionel Messi.
  4. Ronaldinho.
  5. George Best.
  6. Pelé.
  7. Garrincha.
  8. Zinedine Zidane.
  9. Johan Cruyff.
  10. Andrés Iniesta.

Top 10 dribblers in the history of football all-time

10- Andrés Iniesta
Andrés Iniesta
Andrés Iniesta

The Spanish magician began his career as a deep-lying midfielder, but his great dribbling skills, agility, and ball control made him play on the flanks often. He is known for his visionary view of his teammates on the field and his passes, which demonstrate his teamwork in dribbling and his significant impact on his teammates, changing the course of matches. Zidane described him as the only player who reminds him of himself and enjoys watching him, just as the fans have enjoyed him for a long time, making him one of the best dribblers in the world.

9- Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff

The Dutch legend is nicknamed (The Genius) and is known for the role of the player who dribbles, called Cruyff Turn. He has a wide ability to read the weaknesses of defenders and easily bypass them. When he saw a defensive gap, he would quickly move toward the penalty areas for shooting or passing. He was a wonderful dribbler who could suddenly change his direction without warning. He was known for the reverse turn movement, which made it look like he would pass the ball to his teammate, but instead, he would pull it to the other leg spin 90 degrees, and accelerate away from his opponent.

8- Zinedine Zidane
Zinedine Zidane
Zinedine Zidane

He was not fast or had acceleration with the ball, but Zidane was one of the best dribblers the fans have ever seen. Defenders always struggled when facing (Zizou). His unique ability with the ball was noticed from the beginning, which earned him the confidence to showcase his unique skills whenever he had the opportunity. This allowed him to move towards Juventus and Real Madrid, and to deliver a fantastic level of creativity with France, placing him on the throne of the world's players more than once.

7- Garrincha

Garrincha and the leader of Brazil to the glory of the 1962 World Cup, Garrincha's name is not common these days due to the media aura that did not serve him at the time, yet his skills are still admired by many Brazilians. Skills such as bending and physical tricks for defenders and agility when dribbling the ball, perhaps helped by the length of his right leg at the expense of his left leg, but even with the opponents knowing the direction he would go, it was difficult to stop him.

6- Pelé

The Black Pearl does not need an introduction as he is the greatest of legends and should be present in many of these lists and top many of them. Pelé combines several features including dribbling; it was common for him to be able to bypass 4 or 5 defenders before passing or shooting the ball into the net. Although he did not play in Europe, his name reached the whole world thanks to the exceptional skills he displayed on the field, posing a difficult problem for those who faced him.

5- George Best
George Best
George Best

There is a famous saying in Belfast that goes, (Pelé good, Maradona better, but George Best.) The historic icon of Manchester United received great praise during his career, not only for the numerous goals he scored but also for his exceptional genius on the football field, where he was a first-class dribbler in his generation, with an unusual ease in bypassing defenders. Known for his presence on the right wing, his opponents often tried to take the ball from him in vain, as he combined speed, balance, tricks, and unique skill.

4- Ronaldinho

Ronaldinho, the player who relies on a style of dribbling that no player in history can match if he is in his prime, his manipulation of the ball on the green grass is exceptional and unparalleled. He has performed many amazing dribbles during his relatively short peak. He has a unique move that deceives the defender in a split second when he pushes the ball in one direction and then redirects it in the other direction, and everything he does is accompanied by a deceptive cartoonish smile. Perhaps if Ronaldinho continued with the same performance for a longer period, he would have been the undisputed best dribbler in history.

3- Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi

When Lionel Messi moves, the ball seems to stick to his feet. The Barcelona star can dribble past his opponents with ease, possessing exceptional ball control and unbelievable speed. No player in his generation has been able to surpass him in this regard, and in several other aspects as well. The Argentine magician has high intelligence and a rare ability to focus when dribbling past others, making him one of the best players to have ever touched the ball throughout the ages. He can be considered the best dribbler in history according to the millions.

2- Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona's skills in dribbling knew no bounds. He was a player who could suddenly change direction when defenders expected him to move in the opposite direction. Diego managed to score the goal of the century against England in the quarter-finals of the 1986 World Cup after bypassing 5 players and the goalkeeper. He said about this goal that no one could stop him in those moments, not even Mike Tyson. If you are not convinced of Diego's status on this list, we advise you to watch any video clip of him to discover the extent of the disturbance of other teams when facing him.

1- Ronaldo Lima
Ronaldo Lima
Ronaldo Lima

Brazilian Ronaldo is the best dribbler in the history of football, famous for his dribbling and feints that made the title of (The Phenomenon) synonymous with him for the rest of his life. He was faster than Messi and stronger than Ronaldo due to his pure control of the ball and his mercurial talent that broke the hearts of the toughest defenders in the game. He could increase his speed and deceive in a moment that his opponent does not doubt it as if he feels safe and then make him suffer, and if it were not for the injuries, he would be considered the best player in history.

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