Top 10 Best resistance training exercises for your muscles

What is resistance training? Resistance exercises are one of the exercises that help increase muscle strength and mass and are considered among the best exercises that improve muscle structure and health, both for men and women. Most men seek a lean physique and well-defined muscles, which are easily achieved through resistance exercises, often using weights. Before we introduce the top 10 resistance exercises with pictures, we will present some important points.

Top 10 Best resistance training exercises for your muscles
Top 10 Best resistance training exercises for your muscles

What are the health benefits of resistance training?

Resistance exercises have numerous health benefits, which make many turn to them to improve their health. Among the most essential benefits of resistance exercises.

Benefits of resistance exercises:
  • Help improve the appearance and structure of the body.
  • Increase muscle mass in the body, endurance, and daily activity.
  • Promote blood circulation.
  • Protect against osteoporosis, especially in women who are more prone to it than men.
  • Boost metabolism rates, contributing to maintaining a healthy body weight.
  • Reduce feelings of laziness, insomnia, depression, knee pain, lower back pain, heart problems, and diabetes.
  • Among the exercises that significantly boost self-confidence.
  • Help eliminate negative energy from the body.

How to practice resistance exercises

Resistance exercises can be performed through a variety of sports exercises, which we will present in our article 'Top 10 Resistance Exercises with Pictures.' You can use one of the following weights (body weight, free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, exercise ball), and many other tools.

Strength exercises can be practiced twice weekly to engage all the core muscles.

Note: It is essential to practice resistance exercises under the guidance of a fitness trainer to ensure you perform the exercises correctly and prevent any mistakes while lifting weights.

What are the 10 exercises to build muscle?

What are the 10 exercises to build muscle?
What are the 10 exercises to build muscle?

Top 10 Resistance Exercises, resistance exercises for your muscles:
  1. Olympic Weightlifting Exercise.
  2. Push-Up Exercise.
  3. Squat Exercise.
  4. Forward Lunges Exercise.
  5. Plank Exercise.
  6. Shoulder Press Exercise.
  7. Swinging Row Exercise.
  8. Toe Touch Exercise.
  9. Weight Throwing Exercise.
  10. Rope Muscle Stretching Exercise.

10- Rope Muscle Stretching Exercise

Rope Muscle Stretching Exercise
Rope Muscle Stretching Exercise

resistance training This exercise targets the muscles of the shoulders and arms and works to increase muscle strength and tone amazingly.

A rope is used in this exercise as a form of resistance.

Exercise technique:
  1. Secure the rope to the floor while standing upright.
  2. Grab the rope with your arms.
  3. Have your right hand control the tension of the rope, while the left hand facilitates the rope's movement.
  4. Place your hands by your sides.
  5. Then pull the rope backward and upward, then return to the initial position while alternating between arms.

9- Weight Throwing Exercise

Weight Throwing Exercise
Weight Throwing Exercise

Weight-throwing is a highly important resistance exercise for toning the front muscles in the body.

You can use either heavy weights, such as dumbbells, or slightly lighter weights, such as a ball.

Exercise technique:
  1. Assume a relaxed posture while maintaining good spinal alignment.
  2. Hold the weight in both hands.
  3. Lift your arms forward with the palms facing inward.
  4. Continue lifting both arms so that the weights are above your head.
  5. Ensure that you bend your elbows and then lower your arms.
  6. Repeat the exercise 15 times, and it can be done daily.

8- Toe Touch Exercise

Toe Touch Exercise
Toe Touch Exercise

Resistance training exercises The Toe Touch exercise is one of the very important exercises that work on improving balance in the body.

Additionally, it is one of the resistance exercises that promote rapid body fat burning and increased overall metabolism rates.

This exercise can be executed using either your body weight or external weights.

Exercise technique:
  1. Assume a seated position as if you are walking on your hands.
  2. Hold a weight in your left hand while lifting your right leg up to shoulder height.
  3. Support yourself with the right hand on the ground to maintain balance, then use your right leg to attempt to touch your toes with the weights.
  4. Return to the initial position and switch to the left leg.
  5. This exercise can be repeated 10 times.

7- Swinging Row Exercise

Swinging Row Exercise
Swinging Row Exercise

The Swinging Row exercise is one of the types of resistance exercises that work to improve metabolism and enhance the digestive process.

It is also one of the exercises that increase the body's burning rates and strengthen core muscles.

This type of resistance exercise is usually performed with weights.

Exercise technique:
  1. Hold the appropriate weights, ensuring the arms are extended.
  2. Advance by taking a single step with your left foot.
  3. Bend the knees forward while placing the weight in the right hand toward the right side of the body.
  4. Try to lower the body so that it is facing the ground.
  5. Continue alternating between sides for only 20 seconds.
  6. Then stabilize for 10 seconds while switching to the other leg.

6- Shoulder Press Exercise

Shoulder Press Exercise
Shoulder Press Exercise

The Shoulder Press exercise is one of the popular exercises resistance training exercises for both men and women to strengthen the shoulder muscles.

This exercise is a type of resistance exercise, using weights according to one's ability, starting from, for example, two kilograms.

It's a simple and easy exercise that can be done at any time at home and for any number of repetitions.

Exercise technique:
  1. Sit on a chair with your back straight.
  2. Hold a weight in each hand.
  3. Lift your hands straight up and then lower them down, so that the weight reaches only the shoulders.

5- Plank Exercise

Plank Exercise
Plank Exercise

The Plank exercise is one of the resistance exercises that doesn't involve lifting weights, and it can be relied upon as an excellent resistance exercise that helps burn fat and quickly tone the body.

The Plank exercise is known for its high ability to burn fat in the abdominal and thigh areas.

It helps tighten body muscles, increase flexibility, and improve balance and coordination.

Additionally, it can alleviate body pains such as back, neck, shoulder, and upper chest pain.

Exercise technique:
  1. Start by lying face down on the floor with a straight and tightened body.
  2. Support your body weight on your forearms and toes to lift it off the ground.
  3. Maintain this position for at least 30 seconds for better results.

4- Forward Lunges Exercise

Forward Lunges Exercise
Forward Lunges Exercise

The forward lunges exercise is undoubtedly one of the very important types of resistance exercises that enhance physical fitness.

The forward lunges exercise works on improving balance and body coordination.

It also has an impact on the leg and thigh muscles while relaxing the spine and increasing comfort without any back pain.

It is one of the exercises that sometimes substitute for weightlifting, as it helps move the core muscles up and down.

Exercise technique:
  1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place your hands on your hips for balance or on your chest.
  3. Take a step forward with your right leg and kneel.
  4. At this point, your right knee will be bent, and your body will be lowered directly towards the ground.
  5. When your right thigh is parallel to the ground, do not lower it further.
  6. Slowly push your body back up to the initial position.
  7. Switch to the left leg.

3- Squat Exercise

Squat Exercise

What do you call exercises that use your body weight as resistance? The Squat exercise is one of the top 10 resistance exercises, and it is a type of exercise that can be performed using body weight.

Squat exercises can also be done with various types of weights.

The Squat exercise works on strengthening the lower back muscles, relieving pain, and toning the muscles of the back, thighs, and abdomen.

It is a highly beneficial exercise for overall health, affecting the shape of the body.

It is beneficial for pregnant women to strengthen pelvic muscles and facilitate childbirth, as well as for the elderly to relieve back pain and promote health.

Squat exercises come in various forms, but the general form of the Squat exercise is as follows:
  1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hold weights in your hands (or without weights) and raise your hands up.
  3. Then, slowly lower your body down by bending your knees.
  4. Start the exercise with 10 repetitions and increase the count every day according to your ability.

2- Push-Up Exercise

Push-Up Exercise
Push-Up Exercise

The Push-Up exercise is one of the most well-known resistance exercises that do not rely on lifting any weights but instead use only the body's weight. It is included in our list today of the top 10 resistance exercises with pictures.

This exercise is considered easy to practice, suitable for beginners, and can be done at home.

The exercise works to increase the size and strength of the chest muscles, improving their aesthetic appearance and enhancing a person's overall capability significantly.

Exercise technique:
  1. Initiate the exercise by starting in a prone position on the floor, lying on your stomach.
  2. Then, place your hands under your shoulders and try to lift your body slowly upwards, supporting your body on the balls of your feet as well.
  3. Lower your body back down and repeat this movement several times.
  4. Start with a lower number of repetitions initially and gradually increase the count, remembering to inhale as you lower your body and exhale as you push it upwards.

1- Olympic Weightlifting Exercise

Olympic Weightlifting Exercise
Olympic Weightlifting Exercise

Resistance exercises with weights, The Olympic Weightlifting Exercise is one of the most famous resistance exercises, and it is one of the types of exercises that target Olympic competitions.

In this exercise, the athlete lifts specific weights as instructed by a sports coach, which helps increase muscle size and bulk.

Olympic weightlifting also works on toning the entire body and reducing sagging.
This exercise is practiced in sports gyms or in Olympic competitions and championships.

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